This is the colored man’s burden. To always look up to a higher power. Not a god or a deity, but a man with desire.
The city, located in the San Gabriel Valley, provides the opportunity for the majority Asian American community to ring in the year of the monkey with family and friends.
While boredly scrolling through your Facebook timeline during class, you don’t expect to receive crushing news, news that makes you stop what you’re doing and leaves you there motionless. I got the devastating news that one of my friends died of Acute Myeloid Leukemia on June 4, 2013.…
On May 8 at 5:30 p.m., local reporters, students and community members packed Perloff auditorium to hear Uemura Takashi speak. Uemura shared his struggles as a heavily-criticised Japanese journalist from the late 1990s to present. After publishing his Asahi Times 1999 article on a Korean “comfort woman,” Kim Haksun, Uemura has faced death threats.
It’s that special time of the year again. Pacific Ties, your favorite LA based, 31 year-old AAPI news-mag is back again with another issue. Titled “Grassroots,” this issue explores your roots, my roots, and how are roots all came to this moment in time. Not really, but you…
Each week, Pacific Ties will be featuring a strip from “Two Item Combo,” a comic strip by Rickmond Wong, who is a Pacific Ties alumni from back in the day 🙂 We dug this up from our archives and they’re too cool to hide away in a filing…