The documentary, directed by Salima Koroma and produced by Jaeki Cho, follows four rappers, Dumbfoundead, Awkwafina, Rekstizzy, and Lyricks, as they try to break into the hip-hop world.
On April 2, the audience at the 2016 Taiwanese Culture Night (TCN) “摯親愛的,” or “Dear My Love,” laughed, cried, and applauded the touching performance that focused on the struggles the LGBTQ community faces in Taiwan.
On Tuesday, April 6, Lee Ann S. Wang presented a talk at UCLA entitled Asian American Feminisms and the Re-Writing of Legal Voice: Immigration…
The term “yellow fever” was thought to be triggering for Asian women, to which Yong- Yi replied, “I agree, it can be triggering. It is triggering to Asian women who continue to be hypersexualized and feel like they have to fit a certain beauty standard; it is triggering to the community it harms the most.”
The University of Southern California Pakistani Student Association hosted the 8th annual SoCal PSA Culture Show featuring Salman Ahmad of Junoon, in conjunction with the PSAs from UC Irvine, UC Riverside and UCLA.