It’s a cloudy Wednesday morning, and mid-week crisis is looming above most people as they furiously type into their keyboards outside Kerckhoff Hall. Among them, sits a wide-beaming girl with a black and white coat and an aura of confidence. Kamilah Zadi is the Co-Director of the Mixed…
Adjusting to college life at UCLA can be difficult, but the United Khmer Students at UCLA (UKS) association made the adjustment easier for Buna Peong, a first-year UKS intern. UKS is a student-run organization dedicated to fostering a positive and safe environment for Khmer students and for individuals…
Founded in 1972, Samahang Pilipino (SP) seeks to cultivate generations of Pilipinx leaders that are involved in social and political matters, in hopes of creating bridges with other cultural and ethnic communities on and off campus. Five main pillars make up the organization’s core values: social, political, academic,…
Every year, the Mixed Student Union (MSU) at UCLA organises a Mixed Heritage Conference — a conference to raise awareness and open discussions about people of mixed races or cultural ethnicities. It will be held on April 20th, at the James West Alumni Center, and this year’s theme…
My mother’s solution to every single body ache or movement of pain is to apply Tiger Balm or a Salonpas patch over the area. Run into the wooden table and gained a bruise the size of a golf ball? Apply Tiger Balm to soothe the contusion on your…
Founded in 1980, the Asian Pacific Health Corps (APHC) at UCLA is a student organization that aims to promote healthy lifestyles in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities. They serve disadvantaged APIs who do not have health insurance, do not fully trust their physicians, or cannot accurately communicate…