For last quarter’s issue, Ray Luo wrote an article exploring the East West Players’ production of “The Joy Luck Club.” The theater company’s next…
Happy Valentine’s Day! Want to break out of the ol’ chocolate and roses routine? Try out these API-inspired dessert recipes, courtesy of Bring…
Get informed about Asian Pacific Islander issues affecting UCLA and other UC campuses! Courtesy of Malina Tran, here is an overview of what’s happening…
Mighty Mic’s first educational event, VOICES FROM BURMA is coming up soon, on Wednesday, February 18 6-8PM in Northwest Auditorium. The show is FREE,…
From The UCLA Asian American Studies Center and Hammer Museum will hold a public symposium Asian American Artists in California on March 14.…
Yesterday’s post got me thinking about skin cancer, so I read through an article called “Skin Cancer: Skin Color Doesn’t Matter” by East West…