taken by Shafkat Anowar from manoanow.org Mauna a Wākea, known as Hawaii’s highest mountain, is a dormant volcano located on indigenous land. Due to its location and height, a collection of universities and research institutes – including a multitude of CSU’s and UC’s – are seeking out the…
graphic by Kyla Worrell All the late night conversations we are guilty of as college students do not compare to the unspoken conversations we have with our thoughts…or the afterlife. Intentionally referencing witching hour with the time in our title, the “7 Nights of Halloween: Conversations at 3:33am”…
graphic by Kyla Worrell and Mya Worrell Every culture has their own superstitions when it comes to the supernatural world. Here is a collection of superstitions from our staff! Whistling at night attracts bad spirits in Khmer culture. In Lao culture, singing/screaming at night attracts bad spirits. Children…
taken by Phoebe Chiu taken by Phoebe Chiutaken by Phoebe Chiutaken by Phoebe Chiu taken by Phoebe Chiutaken by Phoebe Chiu”crisis”, taken by Audrey Yao taken by Audrey Yao and Chenyang Laitaken by Audrey Yao and Chenyang Laitaken by Phoebe Chiutaken by Phoebe Chiu taken by Chenyang Lai,…
Gonjiam – Haunted asylum from Cinapse.co *Spoiler alert Gonjiam is a found footage horror film by the South Korean director, Jung Bum Shik. The story begins with two high school boys who experienced spiritual encounters – sounds of a pingpong game though the hospital had been abandoned for…