I’d heard about Secret Identities–the Asian American superhero anthology–a few times before, but I never got around to reading it until news came out that a second volume is slated for release in 2012 (the details are here). I ordered it on Amazon, read it, and loved it. It’s so refreshing to see Asians as superheroes, with powers that aren’t related to computers and martial arts skills. There are telepathics, pyrokinetics, and various others, all with different backgrounds and personalities. It’s all connected, though: the stories take place in a fictional city called Troy. The second volume will have a “long arc” featuring Jimson Fo, the Chinese ifrit from the first volume, who has to track down the five archfiends he accidentally released. It also has a focus on villains this time around, instead of just heroes. The SI team is looking for contributors (both writers and artists), and the guidelines can be downloaded here.
I’m super psyched for this even if I have to wait two years. Maybe there’ll be some Vietnamese superheroes (or villains) this time around.
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