
Pacific Ties


To my wonderful readers, We finally have our spring 2011 issue available online. Unfortunately, we do not have printed versions available due to lack of funding. That didn’t stop us from publishing though! [issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110608003527-a200b44cddd546eeb56a1438f0ac970c docname=spring2011 username=pacificties loadinginfotext=Spring%202011%20-%20The%20Story%20Issue showhtmllink=true tag=asian%20american width=420 height=271 unit=px]

Hungry students and their supporters sit for the seventh day in front of University of California at Berkeley’s California Hall. The students asked University Chancellor Robert Birgeneau yesterday to reinstate fired ethnic-studies staff members. “We’re still here, we’re still fighting and basically, we’re not going anywhere,” said a…