The latest Miley Cyrus scandal has exploded all over the blogosphere (but not to extent of the Annie Leibowitz fiasco – which was equally stupid). This photo of Miley and her friends making slant eyes and buck teeth to immitate Asian stereotypes has been circulating the internet for…
Last quarter Pacific Ties published “No English, No Help,” which reported that many immigrants are not adequately prepared to respond to natural disasters, mainly because they are not sufficiently fluent in English. Consequently, they suffer a worse fate in the aftermath of such disasters. In a similar vein,…
[youtube=] According to the American Liver Foundation, “Hepatitis B is a serious disease that affects one out of ten Asian Americans and their families. Among immigrants, the prevalance can be as high as one in seven.” Sounds scary, huh? But we college students got the vaccinations in high…
What is up with UCLA’s Chinese placement test? Currently students may only take the placement test in the Mandarin dialect, the standard language of mainland China and Taiwan. Of course, Mandarin is a very useful dialect to know, since it is the most widely spoken language in the…
UCLA’s daily student newspaper – The Daily Bruin – wrote an article on our photochallenge competition in today’s paper: Just to clarify – we’re an Asian American Pacific Islander magazine…NOT JUST PACIFIC ISLANDER. To enter out photochallenge, go here: THEME: PASSION DEADLINE: FEB 6
In the 90s, ‘cybering’ referred to the non-exchange of bodily fluids kind of sex – internet sex. Moreover, it involved a connection between individuals across any distance, a rarity in the age of pre MySpace. But hey, who really uses the word ‘cybering’ anymore? With the cyber space…