Stuck on gift-giving ideas? Low on money, but still want to show someone that you care about them during the holiday season? Have no fear! Luckily, from surveying different students on campus, it’s usually not the price tag that counts. You don’t have to buy anything fancy, so long as you plan ahead and get creative!
This is the second of a series of questions to come under a new survey started by Pacific Ties. Our goal with this project is to collect a variety of responses that represent the diversity of Asian Pacific Islander students on UCLA campus, providing insight into the present lives of API students and how cultural influences or other factors play a role in their lives. We seek to de-stigmatize students of color and to challenge common stereotypes surrounding Asian American identity. Our purpose is to form a strong connection with and between different Asian American communities and to project the voices of Asian Pacific Islander students at UCLA.
Question of the week: “What’s the best gift you ever gave?”
Here are the responses we collected:
We’re also interested in hearing what you think! Leave a response in the comments below, or suggest a question to ask. The question(s) can be something you want to ask the current Asian American population on campus (what they think about a certain issue or topic). If we choose to use your question, we will credit you at the beginning of that post. Stay tuned for our next round. This is a bi-weekly project and survey of Asian American students on UCLA campus.
**In order to produce a more accurate representation, we collect all responses to show the diversity and/or uniformity of Asian American students at UCLA and what they think about a certain issue or topic.
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