Spring time is here and it gets feisty—it’s the race for student government positions. We have four people running for president. Two slates Bruins United and Students First! have the most exposure on campus and online, so people tend to not hear about independent candidates. This isn’t a popularity contest. It’s not like ASB in high school. These people can give us our resources, does the programming, and handles some our money–we pay $140 every year.  Voting is necessary.

Things to consider:

  • How are their platforms beneficial to you and to everyone?
  • Who has reliable experience?
  • If they have been part of the USAC office, have they implemented their programs as promised?

Bruin walk and the whole campus will be filled with flyers, highlighters, same-shirted students, and those who will walk with you to class just to inform you on how to vote. I say, hear them out.

Last year, only about 30% of the student population voted. The other 70% did not seem to find it that important. Why do you think so?


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