According to a 2007 CNN article by Elizabeth Cohen, Asian American (AA) women have the highest suicidal rates for females aged 15-24. Below are several factors that Cohen discusses. I added my own commentary when relevant. 1) AA immigrant parents set high academic and career expectations for their…
Last Sunday afternoon my friend and I rode the bus to Thai Town in East Hollywood to check out the International Curry Festival. We spent about two hours at the festival, trying several food dishes and drinks, browsing one of the Thai grocery markets, and watching singing and…
Surprise surprise! North Korea’s leader, the notorious Kim Jong-il was just re-elected in a nationwide election. In an unsurprising result Kim was re-elected by voters in Constituency 333 with 100 per cent support, the official KCNA news agency said on Monday. The report said voters renewed their “unshakable…
Kal Penn (Harold and Kumar) leaves his recurring role on the popular Fox show, “House” to work as a liason between the Obama adminisration and the Asian constituency. White House spokesman Shin Inouye said Tuesday that the actor who had a recurring role on Fox’s TV show “House”…
Give a little, save a life. Bone marrow drives will be taking place from Tuesday through Thursday, 10 AM to 3 PM, at Bruin Plaza! Read the story. “My name is Matthew Nguyen and I am a UCLA alumni. I was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) in…
This spring break I went with my family to Washington D.C. because, as my dad put it, “It’s just one of those places you gotta see before you die.” In the mist of visiting numerous monuments, government buildings, and state libraries we had the fortune of being able…