Panethnicity (n.): the grouping together of different ethnicities that are similar based on geographical origin, language, religion, etc. APIDA stands for Asian Pacific Islander Desi American. This umbrella term incorporates various ethnicities from East Asians and South Asians to Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders, making it a pan-ethnic…
In the light of early adulthood, students leave childhood dreams behind and reach for more practical career paths. Often due to societal and familial pressures, many in the APIDA community gravitate towards jobs with greater stability and prestige rather than those closer to their creative passions. Chelsea Tran,…
Cultural assimilation (n.): the process in which individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society Cultural assimilation is a term that many immigrants from the APIDA community are all too familiar with. When I think of assimilation, the first thing…
Questions rain heavily upon us. Who am I? What are my beliefs? What are my values? Which customs do I follow? What norms of social behavior do I adhere to? Which section of society do I belong to? To shield yourself from this rain, whose droplets feel like…