I’ve been following The Walking Dead on AMC, and it’s been so amazing. I love Glenn (whom I sometimes mistakenly call Steve…but that’s the actor’s name, oops), and I’m beginning to love Andrea. The show rests on such a bleak, horrifying premise, but the strength of its characters and their interaction make it a surprisingly touching and emotional affair. I don’t know if I’ll get around to reading the comic, but since winter break is coming up, I might get around to that.
Anyway, I found this fan-made opening trailer via Angry Asian Man (a repository for anything Asian-American, from arts and entertainment to politics). I like it a lot. It draws from the comic book artwork by Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore, and it’s really well synced with the music. I don’t know if it would fit the show well, though: one thing I’ve noticed about The Walking Dead is that it’s very quiet in terms of background noise/music. It’s very still, very minimal–until, of course, the walkers begin attacking. The trailer’s music doesn’t fit in. Still, this is a cool piece of fan work.
Daniel Kanemoto – The Walking Dead opening trailer
The video was made by film maker Daniel Kanemoto. Visit his homepage here, and read his interview with EW.com about the trailer here.
And of course, check out The Walking Dead on AMC, Sundays at 7 PM. The season finale is this weekend! (If you think that’s quick…it is. There have only been five episodes so far.)
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