As the 2024 presidential elections approaches, there has been no shortage of political strife and commentary. Ted Lieu, the congressional representative of UCLA and California’s 36th District, has not been afraid to voice his opinion.
Pacific Ties stands in solidarity with the Palestine Solidarity Encampment (PSE) and encampments at other universities. We condemn the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
With election season coming up, the Asian American community’s votes are important now more than ever as the amount of APIDA voters increases every year. A strategy that targets the Asian American community served to be quite beneficial as it pushed Democrat Tom Suozzi into winning New York’s 3rd Congressional District race.
Examining U.S. responses to the Vietnam War and Israeli-Palestinian conflict at federal, public, and college campus levels (UCLA).
There are approximately 18.4 million Asian Americans in the United States. Asian Americans are considered the fastest-growing ethnic group in the nation, and each year they gain more electoral power, especially in swing states and key states such as Georgia.