A short personal narrative detailing the longing for the comfort that is home cooked Asian cuisine, reflecting how it is the love of culture that brings people together.
Inspired by the 2003 Disney movie Freaky Friday and its usage of a fortune cookie switcheroo, comes a short story focusing on the Americanized version of Asian culture.
A satirical poem detailing the ways a specific APIDA culture is interpreted amongst different perspectives.
Perfection is a natural ideal people strive for. It can be in their physical appearance, their education or even their whole personality, but no matter what, the goal of perfection is prominent in the creation of the model minority myth. No mistakes can be made in any situation…
0. THE LOVERS. There was once a bard and a king, a lover of words and a lover of swords, that came to meet one another in the kingdom they both ruled. They were kind sovereigns, adored by their acolytes and their subjects, and they knew the other…