3. When you were growing up the kids at school thought you had a disease because of your mehndi but now it’s “aesthetic.”
4. When you had at least one year of school where you dressed up as an “Indian Princess” or “Jasmine from Aladdin.”

5.When you asked your parents if you could hang out with friends you got this response:

6. You give your grandmother/mother a heart attack when putting marriage on the backburner.

7. When “maths” were more important than anything else.
sorry to disappoint dad #growingupdesi
— Mona Grover (@monaggrover) October 6, 2016
8. You had to clean your room whenever anyone was coming over.
#growingupdesi when guests would come over and your mom would be like “there’s guests coming over clean your room”
— Redskins 14-2 (@ZaineRehman) July 15, 2015
9. Your mom always lies about the time.
10. Which makes you never, never trust anyone who says “We’ll be there in 5” (IST FTW)
#GrowingUpDesi Going to an event 2 hours late and being the first one there.
— – (@syedazs) July 2, 2016
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